Monday, October 20, 2008

Me and All My Glory

So yeah rough summer eh? Had a few mishaps, saw a lot of friends and had lots of fun so who cares? I got a bike in the meantime so that earns me extra cool points to make up for everything.


Dan and Brittany said...

Hey Awesome Blog, were you up until like 3:00am working on this thing? Great photos, although Axel should be embarrassed!


Kimberly said...

OH MY HOTNESS!!! You look so good on that bike. Oh yeah, I saw Allie mention your blog and I had to find out where it was. I'm sort of stalking you I guess, but I can't believe you didn't tell me yourself!! :)

Lanenga Family said...

muey bueno, seniorita

RN said...

i cannot believe you are a biker?!

Lanenga Family said...

DId you know you are supposed to continue adding new pictures?!